Other Facilities
NWO Show Arena
Size: 60’x102’
Square Footage: 6,120
Description: Sound system, option for two show pen areas, gates. Large overhead fans, good lighting, easy load/unload capacity. Seating appox, 500
Do You Have A Reservation Date In Mind?
View our NWO Show Arena Reservation Calendar to see if the building is available for your event. Week days or weekends. NWO Show Arena Reservation Calendar Make sure to check out our other buildings and their calendar. Don’t be afraid to contact us if the building is already reserved we do at times have cancelations.
Simply mouse over a photo below and click to see it in a larger view.

Buckeye Building
Size: 60’x210’
Square Footage: 12,600
Wings; 30’x60’, 1,800 squarre footage
Description: Open-sided building with dirt floor
Beautiful outdoor front patio are for dining, ectc. Covered, large open area perfect for car/trade show events. Portable bleachers availability.
Do You Have A Reservation Date In Mind?
Make sure to check out our other buildings and their calendar. Don’t be afraid to contact us if the building is already reserved we do at times have cancelations.
Simply mouse over a photo below and click to see it in a larger view.

Grange Building
Size: 50’x145’
Square Footage: 7,250
Description: Cement Floor, display cases around perimeter, large open area in center. Easy market/sale/demo/set-up, Outlets around outside walls and center, 9’x11’ barn door access
Do You Have A Reservation Date In Mind?
Make sure to check out our other buildings and their calendar. Don’t be afraid to contact us if the building is already reserved we do at times have cancelations.
Simply mouse over a photo below and click to see it in a larger view.

Merchant Building
Size: 60’x200’
Square Footage: 12,000
Description: Blacktop floor, support poles down center, large area
Easy 10×10 (90) booth set-up, Outlets around outside walls and down center poles; close to restroom.
Do You Have A Reservation Date In Mind?
Make sure to check out our other buildings and their calendar. Don’t be afraid to contact us if the building is already reserved we do at times have cancelations.
Simply mouse over a photo below and click to see it in a larger view.

North Grandstand
Description: Covered aluminum bleachers seats, safely gated, show arena w/ access to Bell Tower announcer’s stand. Proximity to food row area, restrooms, Bell Tower for announcing, registration window, observation window to show ring. Seating capacity 1200
Do You Have A Reservation Date In Mind?
Make sure to check out our other buildings and their calendar. Don’t be afraid to contact us if the building is already reserved we do at times have cancelations.
Simply mouse over a photo below and click to see it in a larger view.