Reserved Parking

Reserved Parking
RESERVED PARKING is available in the Sandusky St. Parking Lot. Cost is $100 per parking spot. Spot holder must obtain a Season Ticket. Application forms can be picked up at the Sr. Fair Office.
Parking for fair officials will be reserved near the office.
Emergency vehicles will park in their designated areas.
Riding of bicycles, motorcycles, motor scooters, horses and ponies will not be allowed on the fairgrounds three (3) days prior to the fair or during the fair. (Exhibits not included.)
Fire lanes are provided for the protection of all buildings. Please cooperate and keep these free of cars, trucks, other vehicles, equipment, hay, straw, and manure.
All livestock trailers and trucks must park in designated areas. Vehicles found in “No Parking” areas will be towed at owner’s expense. The Hancock County Agricultural Society assumes no responsibility for damage to or loss of parked vehicles or personal property contained within parked vehicles.
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direction to the
Hancock County Fair Grounds.