Fair Day Sponsor
Marketing Opportunities for Your Business
Investment – $ 1,500
If you want to make your presence known at the Hancock County Fair – make a day of it! Becoming a day sponsor will showcase your business or organization as the top sponsor of the fair for a day of your choosing (first come, first serve). Your support of the fair will be evident and your business will receive the recognition it deserves.
Package Includes:
- Naming of the day as “Your Company” Day at the Hancock County Fair
- Day Sponsorship recognition on our Sandusky Street digital sign during fair season.
- Recognition and tagging of your business on the Hancock County Fair’s social media
- Recognition in fair schedule brochure, news releases and newspaper advertising (sponsorship listing prior to fair)
- Homepage graphic web banner and listing as a sponsor on Hancockfairgrounds.org
- Ten “commercial” announcements about your business over the PA system
- Special tent for your business to utilize for marketing purposes on your designated day near the Senior Fair Office
- Six Season admission passes
The Hancock County Fair is a vibrant and important part of the community.
Join us by becoming a sponsor!