Picnic At The Fair

Picnics, Fair Bucks, & Bulk Tickets
The Hancock County Fair is the perfect place to have a company picnic or outing. Free entertainment, amusement park quality rides, games, agricultural displays, grandstand entertainment, junior fair exhibits, merchant areas, and concessions offering “Fair” deals fill the grounds.
Picnics – We can provide everything including an air-conditioned meeting venue or traditional outdoor tent, tables, chairs, a list of caterers for your picnic meal, provide you with discount ride wristband vouchers and discount gate admissions. The picnic option allows you to have a designated meeting area to welcome guests on your day.
Fair Bucks, Ride Vouchers, and Bulk Ticketing – This is a great option for those that want flexibility for their guests on which day to attend and what they would like to eat during their visit. Your company can take advantage of discount gate admission tickets, discount ride wristbands vouchers, and Fair Bucks for food from any vendor on the grounds during the fair.
We can customize any picnic or outing to fit your specific needs.
If you have any questions about sponsorship and marketing opportunities, please contact the Senior Fair Office at sroffice@hancockfairgrounds.org. Thank you for your consideration of the Hancock County Fair. We’re anxious to work with you.