Signage and Banner Sponsorships

Marketing Opportunities for Your Business
Marketing Partner
Put your company logo in front of fairgoers all week long through banners and signage. We have a variety of signage locations available to choose from, and are happy to discuss other custom signage opportunities.
Show Arena or Grandstand Sponsor
Investment – $2,500
- Two 30″x96″ banners tactically displayed on venue
- Announced as “Your Name” venue during all shows and events
- Venue Sponsorship recognition on our Sandusky Street digital sign during fair season
- Year-long fair Supporter recognition on our Sandusky Street digital sign
- Recognition in news releases and newspaper advertising
- Recognition on the fairs website with links to sponsors website
Other Signage Sponsorships
- Gate Sponsor – $300 for a 30″x90″ banners, sponsor supplies banner and has choice of gate
- Trash cart Sponsor – $125 per side of cart, can be accommodated on the side of the carts
- Golf Cart Sponsor – $125 per side of cart, can be accommodated on the roof of the Golf Cart
If you have any questions about sponsorship and marketing opportunities, please contact the Senior Fair Office or Thank you for your consideration of the Hancock County Fair. We’re anxious to work with you.
The Hancock County Fair is a vibrant and important part of the community. Join us by becoming a sponsor!